Romantic Whatsapp Status

Romantic Whatsapp Status
Express Your Feelings With A Romantic Whatsapp Status Update
Nowadays there are so many chat application can be found. One that most people use is Whatsapp. It’s a simple chat app with many nice features; like broadcast message, group chat, last-seen record, read mark, etc. Each user is identified with their phone number, but they can put their screen name along with their picture on the profile. Users also can tell what they feel by put some status in their profile.

Whatsapp status you set will be seen by all your friends, so please consider it carefully before put any status. But this also comes in handy when you want to express what you feel. Just put some words on it to tell your friend that you are happy, sad, angry or even when you are hungry. And the additional best part is, Whatsapp status also can be combined with emoticons. You can put words and some emoticons to strengthen the message.

Romantic Whatsapp Status Updates
Romantic Whatsapp Status Updates

When it comes to a lover couple, Whatsapp status also can be used to express what they feel each other. It can be used to express the love, passion or even jealousy. Most used status used by couples is romantic one. Every couple can express their love by put any romantic Whatsapp status. It’s common to see someone’s romantic Whatsapp status like “I'll love you until the day after forever” or “I love my life because it gave me you. I love you because you are my life”. Not only the one they love will get the message, it also can tell the world (at least their friend) that they are loving each other. Imagine when you read a status like "There are only two times that I want to be with you... Now and Forever.." , this sure a good sign of someone in love.

If you are not a poem writer (I’m not) it might found hard to write a punching romantic Whatsapp status. Of course you can just googling for some romantic quotes and then use it as your romantic Whatsapp status, but the message will be better if you write your own words. Maybe you can get the inspiration from the internet, or some books, but still it will be better if you can write with your own words.

Some romantic Whatsapp status may directly pointing to your love, like “I can't place anyone above you but I can place myself above you, not to be a master but to be your shield and always protect you” or “No matter what has happened. No matter what you’ve done. No matter what you will do. I will always love you. I swear it”. Or you also can use some words that not directly pointing to her/him, but just express that you respect your relationship and that you wish it to stay forever. It will be like “True romance isn't Romeo and Juliet who died together but grandma and grandpa who grew old together”.

Love is like a rubber band held at both ends by two people, when one leaves it hurts the other.
No matter how "busy" a person is, if they really care, they will always find the time for you.
Love is not about how much you say "i love you" but how much you can prove that it's true.
Love is cute when it's new, but love is most beautiful when it last.
Love is just love, it can never explained.
I will be yours, you will be mine and together we will be one love
Everybody knows how to love, but few people know how to stay in love with one person forever.
Thinking of you is easy, I do it every day. Missing you is the heartache that never goes away.
This is going to sound crazy, but…from the moment I first set eyes on you I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.
If you ever ask me how many times you’ve crossed my mind, I would say once. Because you came, and never left.
Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses.
I fell in love because of your words, and I got hurt because of them too!
We spend too much time looking for the perfect person to love instead of perfecting the love we give!
Even when you’re gone, you’re only one that I still want in my arms. You’re the only one I think of all day long.
No matter what has happened. No matter what you’ve done. No matter what you will do. I will always love you. I swear it.
I wanted to tell you that wherever I am, whatever happens, I’ll always think of you, and the time we spent together, as my happiest time. I’d do it all over again, if I had the choice. No regrets
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
A man is already halfway in love with any woman who listens to him.

Yes you can copy those above romantic Whatsapp status that I wrote, but it will be nice if you can find your own words. You can get your inspiration by checking your latest moment with your love. For example, a couple days ago your area may have some rain, so then you can use it as your inspiration. You can write some romantic Whatsapp status like “When it rain like yesterday, go out then count the water drops. That how much I love you”. Of course you can use any other situation as your inspiration; it maybe snow, so you can use show drop instead of water drop and arrange a sentence that sounds like my words before. We hope you like these Cool Whatsapp Status also.

You can find and use any other moments, it maybe the spring season, snows, or even a simple one like having lunch together. When the moment you both like is written into a romantic Whatsapp status, and it written with your own words, then it will become a tear-dropping romantic Whatsapp status.


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